An Introduction

C.E.H.A. is the only professional environmental health association in the state and is an affiliate of the National Environmental Health Association.
Since its founding in 1954, the Association has grown to approximately 300 members and continues to improve the educational and professional qualifications of persons working in Public Health. The association's aims and objectives include: 

  • Encouraging and actively promoting the personal and educational development of the membership through the pursuit of higher education, by special training courses, educational conferences or by other means,
  • Maintaining at a high level, the qualifications necessary for Sanitarian registration in Connecticut and promoting the advancement of all professionals in the field of environmental health
  • Facilitating standardization of methods in general environmental health practices,
  • Striving for increased recognition of Environmental Health as a profession rendering services vital to the health and well-being of the public,
  • Development and support of environmental health legislation.

Scholarship Program
In keeping with its goal of promoting the environmental health profession, the Association awards scholarships to deserving individuals interested in pursuing higher education in environmental health or a related field. Successful Yankee Conferences and educational seminars provide funding for annual offerings of the Marvin L Smith and Joseph Hock Yankee Conference Scholarships. For more information click here

Yankee Conference on Environmental Health
The Yankee Conference, sponsored by the New England affiliates of the National Environmental Health Association, has become an annual multi-day event, featuring speakers from government, industry, and environmental health. A broad spectrum of topics of concern to affiliate states are covered, and hosting is rotating among the states. Proceeds are applied toward the Yankee Conference scholarship program.
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