Promoting Environmental Health in Connecticut Since 1954


Thank you to everyone, as well as our past CEHA Presidents, who attended the 70th Annual CEHA Meeting on November 8th! 

And to all our Environmental Health Professionals across Connecticut, and nation-wide, we appreciate

you for all the hard work and dedication that you put in this field.

Please be on the lookout for the Winter Newsletter for this event!


The NEHA Body Art Model Code & Annex (BAMC) 2024 link is now posted!

To access: Click on the 3 bars next to "Job Postings" on the home page -> Resources -> Links

Interested in joining our Executive Board? Well, look no further and click on the application below to sign up for the open position! 



  • "The Invisible Shield" - a PBS Series (airs 03/26/2024)
  • The impact of environmental public health workers is rarely recognized in our everyday lives and busy schedules. When Environmental Health professionals are proficient within the communities they serve, public health disasters are averted and this important work often goes unnoticed. Please click on at the link below to view a video created to highlight the work being done daily by the professionals working for your local Health Department or District to protect you, your family and the environment!   Link:

The Importance of Radon Testing from Your Region 1 LHDs

Heart Health News: Steps to a Healthy Heart

Job Openings

Chief Sanitarian- Chesprocott 12/18

SanitarianChesprocott 12/18

Sanitarian- Town of Windsor 12/4

Sanitarian- Farmington Valley Health District 12/3

Job openings stay on the website for 30 days

Become a member

Are you an environmental health inspector, sanitarian or work in partnership with the field of environmental health? 

Join us

Don't have an email address? You can still fill out and mail in the membership application.
CEHA Membership Application.pdf

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