Application for the National Environmental Health Association
84th Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition
New York City July 13th-16th
One of the aims and objectives of CTEHA is to encourage and actively promote the personal and educational development of the membership through the pursuit of higher education. Additionally, the Association wishes to assist undergraduates with gaining an education in a course of study which could lead to employment in the field of environmental health. Furthermore, the Association seeks to assist members with children pursuing higher education. To this end, we have awarded scholarships to deserving persons. Presently there are two such means of obtaining scholarship assistance.
Marvin L. Smith was a veteran of the U.S. Army who spent many years in service helping resolve environmental health issues in countries severely damaged by the Second World War. He went on to work as Director of the Environmental Health for the New Haven Health Department and the CT DPH, Subsurface Sewage Division. He then became a field service environmental health engineer for the Rotondo Company in Avon, CT, a manufacturer of septic tanks and concrete sewage leaching galleries.
The Rotondo Company created the Marvin L. Smith Scholarship Award to honor his strong interest in helping others and his many contributions to the field of environmental health. CEHA is able to sustain the Marvin L. Smith scholarship, in-part, due to contributions from individuals, who share the desire to help others achieve their environmental educational goals.
These scholarships are funded through generous donations from you our members and through hosting educational conferences. If not for contributions from individuals, who share the desire to help others achieve their environmental educational goals, CEHA wouldn't have been able to give over $55,000 to deserving recipients. Please click here to apply for the 2025 scholarship application.
Two awards are given for excellence and give the highest recognition to professionals in the environmental health field of public health. Individuals whom have received these awards have been recognized and nominated by their peers.
This award, established in 1971 by the CEHA Board, is presented to a deserving member in recognition for outstanding service. This high honor is also referred to as the "Connecticut Sanitarian of the Year" award. Raymond Brunelle was a dedicated sanitarian, the first president of CEHA, and did a great deal to promote environmental health throughout Connecticut. It is a privilege to receive this high recognition for outstanding service and be honored by one’s peers. Download Nomination Form Here
This award, established in 1970 by the Yankee Conference Board of Directors is presented in tribute to Robert C. Perriello for his many years in public health and academic service in Rhode Island and New England. This award recognizes the professional achievements made by a registered sanitarian and local affiliate (CEHA) member. This most prestigious award is given by the Yankee Conference Board of Directors to an individual who first must be chosen by their own affiliate’s Board of Directors. This is a highly respected honor and is presented to a most outstanding member for their contributions to CEHA, the Yankee Conference, and environmental health. Download Nomination Form Here
Erica Mikulak
​Bristol-Burlington Health District
240 Stafford Ave.
Bristol, CT 06010
Phone (860) 584-7682
Fax (860) 584-3814