Vendors - 2018 Yankee Conference

  • Wednesday, September 19, 2018
  • 1:30 PM
  • Friday, September 21, 2018
  • 12:00 PM
  • Double Tree by Hilton, 363 Maine Mall Rd., South Portland, ME 04106
  • 4


(depends on selected options)

Base fee:
  • This option is for vendor's whom registered after the August 15th deadline

The Yankee Conference is the premier gathering of environmental health professionals from throughout the northeast. Its purpose is to provide the latest information on topics such as environmental leadership, food protection, preparedness, recreational health, on-site sewage disposal, air quality and many other environmental health topics. The Yankee Conference Board of Directors is proud to host the 2018 Yankee Conference, the 56th anniversary of the conference.
Registration is closed

Exciting news! This year's conference will be a joint venture with the FDA Northeast Annual Food Protection Seminar. That means the opportunity for double exposure to a wide range of food safety and environmental professionals.

Exhibit Hall Grand Opening

This event on Wednesday will include Social Hour with appetizers and beverages for all attendees. Towards the end of that time we will be holding a raffle for several exciting prizes and yes the winners must be present to claim their prize.

Meals and Breaks in Exhibit Hall

On Wednesday the afternoon break and evening social hour will all be scheduled in the exhibit hall. On Thursday, the breakfast, morning break, afternoon break and evening social hour will all be scheduled in the exhibit hall.

Sponsorships and Donations

Exhibitors that sponsor events or donate items will be announced and noted in programs.

Exhibitor Information and Times

Set up exhibits - 9/19/18 1:30 to 4:30 PM

Grand Opening - 9/19/18 5:00 to 8:00 PM

Open - 9/20/18 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Break Down - 9/20/18 5:30 PM PM

Please note that exhibitors have the option to break down and leave on Thursday, however, the conference will have sessions and food on Friday.

These times are tentative based upon final conference agenda development.

Exhibit Fee Includes:

One 6 ft. draped table, chair(s), one waste basket, one ticket to lunch on Thursday, listing program book including company name, representative(s) name(s), address, phone, fax, web site, and email.

Electricity - please see this form and make arrangement directly with the Double Tree Hotel

Unable to attend? No problem, simply reserve a booth and ship your materials. We will set up the table for you and your company will get the same benefits as being at the event.

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